A look at life in the America of the 1960s – through the window of suburbia’s twitching curtains. A time of exodus from the cities to the suburbs by the middle class, aspirational whites – resulting in the divisions already present between the races, becoming chasmic.
The violence and hatred oozed forth from the sceptic and suppurating vitriol.
The hope of change tantalisingly promised by both Kennedy brothers – destroyed. Their murders, along with those of Martin Luther King and Malcom X, put the seal on the urn and laying any hope of genuine reparation and integration to an uneasy resting place on the mantelpiece of history and promise.
A look at life in the America of the 1960s – through the window of suburbia’s twitching curtains. A time of exodus from the cities to the suburbs by the middle class, aspirational whites – resulting in the divisions already present between the races, becoming chasmic.
The violence and hatred oozed forth from the sceptic and suppurating vitriol.
The hope of change tantalisingly promised by both Kennedy brothers – destroyed. Their murders, along with those of Martin Luther King and Malcom X, put the seal on the urn and laying any hope of genuine reparation and integration to an uneasy resting place on the mantelpiece of history and promise.
Polka Dot Dress, £695
42cm x 30cm, mixed media on paper
Robert Kennedy Connection, £695
42cm x 30cm, mixed media on paper
Freedom Riders 5, £295
29.7cm x 16.5cm, aquarelle pencil on paper.
Freedom Riders 3, sold
8cm x 12.7cm, acrylic & aquarelle pencil on canvas board.
Freedom Riders 2, sold
29.6cm x 21cm, aquarelle pencil on paper.
Freedom Riders 4, sold
29.7cm x 21cm, aquarelle pencil on paper.
Camelot 1960, sold
16cm x 19cm aquarelle pencil, ink and paper on original vintage postcard
Freedom Riders 1, sold
29.7cm x 21cm aquarelle pencil on paper.
Mowing Utopia's Lawn, sold
38cm x 25cm, aquarelle pencil and ink on paper
America's Dreaming, sold
29cm x 17 cm, aquarelle pencil and ink on paper